Wednesday, 1 June 2011

People I met during my visiting Liege, Crete, and Munich

After the 311 earthquake I cancelled my trip to Paris and London, so this was the first one in foreign countries. Everybody asked me "How are you doing? Are you OK? How is your lab? Are there anything you need?" during my visit and in the conference in Crete. So I added a couple of slides to my presentation file to show "my lab just after the earthquake" and "current situation". I felt like an embassy agent to explain things to foreign people.

Here are some pictures I took during my visit.
Aurelie and staff in Administrative Office@GIGA in Liege

Laurent, Brigitte, and lab members in his lab

Before the Cajal Club Dinner in Crete w/Arturo, Bob, and Bin (taken by John)

@German Beer Garden in Munich w/Magdalena, Benedict, and her lab members

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