Monday, 14 March 2011

Big earthquake on 3.11 and atomic energy station accidents

The biggest earthquake in Japan happened here in Tohoku areas on the last Friday, March 11th. The power was M9.0 and more than that in Kansai area in 1995. Moreover, the big difference was, people in the coast areas have been suffering very large Tsunamis, which were spread all over villages and towns near the cost. The damage in the downtown in Sendai is much better, although shelves fell down, samples in deep freezers were melt due to lack of electricity overnight, and facilities were broken in many laboratories. Life lines are still unavailable in many areas. My lab and my apartment were both on the 9th floor, and severely damaged. We need sometime to restore the situation in spite of several additional earthquakes.

In addition to the earthquake and tsunamis, we are now worrying about the situation of atomic energy stations in Fukushima situated the south of Tohoku. We hope Japanese experts can overcome this condition as soon as possible.

It is sad that most of media distribute the most terrible scenery not only in Japan but also overseas. Although Japan is a small country, the southern part of Japan is totally non-damaged. Even in Tohoku areas, the situation is different in various cities, towns and villages.

I really feel sorry about victims in the big earthquake and tsunamis. We will stand up by fixing little by little.

Here are some information in English:
Earthquake Info in English @wiki

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